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The Growth of India’s Financial Services / ITeS Sector

The last decade has seen unprecedented growth in India’s financial services sector. It employs over 3 million people, constitutes about 5% of the GDP and has an estimated market capitalization of over US$ 200 billion. As India experiences continued economic growth, the financial sector could generate about 10-11 million jobs and a GDP contribution of US$ 350 to 400 billion by 2020. With a sustained growth and rapid development in technology and infrastructure, an increasing share of financial services would get centralized. McKinsey & Company’s market assessment report estimates potential of about 6 million centralized jobs across multiple service roles.

Several developed countries have successfully established high-tech financial hubs, which over time have catered as international financial services centers. These centers provide suitable regulatory regimes and create a business environment to promote talent and increase capital flow. As they develop they create significant economic value for their domestic economies, e.g. London and New York account for 10% of the GDP and about 5% of jobs. Emerging financial services centers like Singapore and Hong Kong have achieved similar levels of concentration of economic activity over short periods of time.

India' Potential

How to Unlock the Potential?

India is not able to fully realize it’s vast potential in financial services because our cities do not have the required infrastructure. If India wants to compete with international financial hubs, our cities will have to provide global standards in infrastructure, office space, internet and telephone connectivity and lifestyle opportunities which would attract top talent.

Potential of Centralizable Jobs

GIFT’s Positioning

GIFT aspires to cater to India’s large financial services potential by offering global firms a world-class infrastructure and facilities. It aims to attract the top talent in the country by providing the finest quality of life.

It is estimated that GIFT would provide 500,000 direct and an equal number of indirect jobs which would require 5.76 million square meter of real estate office and residential space.

Target Business Segments


Nature of Opportunity

Financial Services

Back-office of banking, Insurance and Asset Management

Financial Services

Corporate roles in financial services companies. E.g. Accounting, HR, Admin, IT.

Select Product Market

Private banking, Product development, Microfinance etc.

Capital Market and Trading

Includes DCM, ECM, M&A, Commodity trading, Private Equity, Hedge Funds, Institutional Brokerage

IT Services

Software Application development and maintenance for BFSI and other verticals

ITeS/ BPO Services

Captive BPOs of large global financial services companies, 3rd party BPO service providers KPOs etc.