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Other Services Business

The entities having export business of the following services can set up unit at GIFT SEZ.

  • Trading

  • Warehousing

  • Research and development services

  • Computer software services, including information enabled services such as back-office operations

  • Call centers

  • Content development or animation

  • Data processing

  • Engineering and design, graphic information system services

  • Human resources services, insurance claim processing

  • Legal data bases, medical transcription

  • Payroll, remote maintenance

  • Revenue accounting

  • Support centres and web-site services

  • Off-shore banking services

  • Professional services rental/leasing services without operators

  • Other business services, courier services

  • Audio-visual services, construction and related services

  • Distribution services (excluding retail services)

  • Educational services, environmental services, financial services, hospital services, other human health services

    • Tourism and travel related services, recreational, cultural and sporting services

    • Entertainment services

    • Transport services, services auxiliary to all modes of transport, pipelines transport

Explanation: The expression “trading”, for the purposes of the Second Schedule of the Act, shall mean import for the purposes of re- export.